Bansuri Sizes
Bansuri Sizes
Bansuris are made and played in sizes ranging from sub-piccolo all the way to mega-alto flute equivalents. Usually, concert instruments play a tonic note (which is taken with three finger holes covered) at around D-sharp or E-natural. A flute with an E-natural tonic is a whole-step higher than an orchestral alto flute.
Because the bansuri is a keyless instrument, playing a large one does require a substantial amount of practice to attain the proper grip and stretch out the hands to play with good control. Invariably, players begin on smaller, higher instruments and gradually work their way down (up?) to the concert-size.
The instrument recommended for How to Play the Bansuri is pitched at a tonic of C-natural (sounding on the third space of the treble clef). This is a very conservative choice and a comfortable size for any player, even a child aged ten to twelve. Any size of bansuri may be used to work through the material of the book. However, the C-natural instrument will work best because the examples on the accompanying tape are played on this size instrument. Therefore the student with a C-natural instrument will be able to avoid a possibly disconcerting mismatch of pitch. Additionally, since some of the exercises are provided in staff notation, these will sound at pitch when played on this instrument.
Six or Seven Holes?
The book is based on the method developed by Pannalal Ghosh utilizing instruments with seven finger holes exclusively. While a six-hole instrument can be used to play the material, the results will not be as satisfactory, due to that instrument’s particular limitations. The seventh fingering hole enables minimally an extra half-step of range, but it also creates many more possibilities of fingerings on various notes, particularly in negotiating register breaks in both directions. The particular way adherents of the Ghosh approach hold the instrument is also part and parcel of our approach to managing the finest details required by the music.
Bansuris in the recommended size and various qualities can be purchased from
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